Patricia Cody
Add Your Tribute
Pat, I cannot believe another year has gone by. You are always remembered.
Lorraine, Colleague
Pat, you are not forgotten. God bless
Lorraine Langro, Colleague
Dear Pat - While there's always an ache, more so is the joy of having you as a friend. Thoughts and prayer always with you and your family. Much love - TC
Tom Cammann, Colleague
Pat, you are not forgotten. God Bless.
Lorraine, Colleague
I think often of Pat and always shed a tear. I miss her as a colleague and friend. The memorial is a wonderful tribute but the personal memories are with me everyday.The biggest loss was to Pat's family but the insurance colleagues who never met Pat will never know what a wonderful professional and good person they missed. She makes me proud to work as an insurance broker.
Kevin Murphy, Colleague
Dear Pat - You and your family are in our hearts, always together, today and always. With love - TC
Tom Cammann, Colleague
I think of Pat often and especially during this day. May she rest and peace. God Bless.
aileen marchese, Colleague
I worked at Ciba Geigy Chemical & Pharmaceutical Co at the time Pat worked on our Risk Management business. I knew her as one who taught me a lot about the insurance business but as a friend who was one of the kindest people I ever met. She was a wonderful person and will always be missed.
JoAnne Hamill Lengyel, Friend
I chose Pat's nmae ten years ago at our church. I think about her every 9/11 and have been praying for your family ever since. I honor her at this time and ask special blessings on you all.
Kally Moyer, Friend
It's been a while since an entry was left for you Pat and you should know that you are never far from my thoughts. They come during the obvious times, like the 9/11 anniversary, but also randomly as I'm doing something or having a conversation with someone. I reflect on the lasting impression and impact that you have left on me. I am certain that in turn, I have passed a part of you on to many other colleagues and friends. You live on in each of us who were luck enough to have known you.
Tim Ward, Colleague
I know that i might not be of any interest but i am not a friend nor a family or an collouge and most deffinatly did not know her but my name is patricia cody and if she was any kind of person i am than i know that she loved her job, and absolutely adored her friends and just made anything a little bit esiar. i AM A 9TH GRADER IN COWETA OK AND I JUST WANT TO SAY GOD BLESS YOU AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE GYMNASTICS,AND KIDS
Patricia cody, Friend
Dear Pat - There's so much of you alive in the spirit of your colleagues here, who love and miss you, but are grateful to know you. Fond remembrances today looking at pictures of CC2, which help fill a void in my heart. Hope we make you proud. TC
Tom Cammann, Colleague
I worked with Pat back when she was with A&A.; She was one of the kindest and one of the most professional brokers I ever knew.
Walter Slack, Colleague
This is to Pat - thank you for your presence in my heart this past year. It has been a sad, difficult time. Pat was married to my husband's lst cousin. She brought them together after years of not knowing where each other was. My husband has been blessed with his cousin back in his life - thank you Pat.
Toni Coffey, Family
Pat, I'm so happy that Fordham presented an honorary degree to you. You worked so hard for it; going to school a couple of days a week after putting in a hard day' work. We are all so proud of you. You deserve it. Lorraine P.S. I still miss you terribly.
Lorraine, Colleague
I was Patricia's assistant. I only worked with Pat for a couple of years but I enjoyed them so much. Pat was a joy to work with; she made the job interesting yet fun. When you heard her laugh, you had to laugh along with her. I miss Pat so very much and will never forget her. She is in my thoughts every day.
Lorraine Langro, Colleague