Elizabeth Darling
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Dear Liz, it has been 13 yrs since we had our last conversation. Our boys will be 15yrs soon. Time has flown. I still look at the last toy you give my son for his birthday and have not given or thrown it away. It is my reminder of the times we spent together. Stay safe in heaven and look down upon your love ones.
Kamala Patrick, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 9:25PM
Dear Liz, My son would be 12 next week and I know Michael is 12 too because that was the last thing we spoke about the afternoon of Sept10th 2001. I remember not saying goodbye to you and wanted to but told myself that I will talk to you tomorrow. Tomorrow never came for us my dear friend and I guess that was meant to be. I can never say goodbye to you. I will always cherish the times we spent together at my house before I left NY and at my Brother's wedding and all the breakfasts we had at work. May the Angels keep you safe until we meet again. Love Kamala
Kamala Patrick, Colleague
Sep 10 2011 5:23PM
Liz I will always miss you not a day goes by I don't think about you when you died a part of me died too Love always your brother Richard
Richard Darling, Family
Sep 16 2009 1:56AM
Oh Liz. The passing years has not lessened how much I think of you and the deep sadness losing you has brought to everyone. I trust that you are somewhere good and peaceful. My few memories of us as children and fewer as young adults make me wish we had more. Losing you is a great testament to keeping the communication lines open with family and friends. As much as I regret that the last time I saw you was at Grandpa’s funeral, I’m grateful that was not the last time we spoke and that I had a chance to tell you how proud I was of you and your accomplishments. Your future seemed so bright after all that you endured. I pray for blessings and God’s grace for your son Michael and your brother Richard because I know how much they needed you and, aside from everyone else, how dearly you loved them.
Carol Darling, Family
Sep 11 2009 10:03AM
I will miss you always and forever.... Love Andre
Andre Murrell, Friend
Sep 11 2008 7:46PM
Dear Lizzy, Seven years later and not a day goes by when I dont think about you. I am very glad we were able to spend that Labor Day weekend in VA. We had some much fun. Great memories. You were the just the best and I miss you terribly. Love, Marsha
Marsha Greaves, Friend
Sep 11 2008 10:07AM
Dearest Lizzy, Love you so much .. Miss you even more! Grandmom Connie
Constance M Jackson, Family
Apr 15 2004 1:54PM
Liz, There was never a day at SUNY ALBANY where I didn't see a smile on your face. You really were one of the sweetest people that I have met. I am sure your smile is making heaven just a little bit brighter. Many Blessings to your friends and family.
Stacy Shaw, Friend
Sep 11 2003 9:33AM
Dear Lizzy, I miss you so much my dear. You cross my thoughts every day. You brought such beauty and happiness to everyone you encountered. That smile and the laughter, I think that is what I miss the much. I know you are in heaven watching over us. Miss you always!
Marsha Nichols, Friend
Jun 21 2002 8:50AM
My dear and wonderful Lizzy, You are missed like you'd never know. My heart aches so deeply to have lost you, particularly in such a horrible fashion. You were so precious, always respectful and worthy of all the very best that could have been granted. I am pained so much by your loss. We feel overtly cheated and suffer greatly without the blessing of your presence to lighten and bring joy to our days. Nonetheless, your baby, Mikey, still allows us a sweet, tiny bit of you. I'm so sorry he doesn't have his mom to love him to death as she always did every moment she had. All my love to you, Precious One. Grandma Jackson
Constance M. Jackson, Family
May 30 2002 1:55AM
How I miss my early morning chats with Elizabeth when I sat across the aisle from her. I will never forget when we both were ill with the flu...I went and searched all over the WTC area for some hot & sour soup to ease our symptoms. I told her how it worked miracles for me when I had a cold. How we both laughed and talked about our moves to New Jersey. I miss those chats and I miss Elizabeth.
Richard Dixon, Colleague
Apr 30 2002 2:04PM