William Dean

Billy Dean called his mom every day, just to tell her what was going on. 'Which couldn't have been much, because he had just spoken to her the day before,' noted his sister Donna Dean. 'He did it because he knew how much it meant to her.'

He would also place a separate call each day to his father, just so dad would not feel left out. They would discuss home improvements, gardening, the stock market. 'If you ever saw Billy's front lawn or looked at the condition of his stock portfolio,' said Donna Dean. 'You'd realize it was often the blind leading the blind.'

Mr. Dean, 35, was a lifelong New Yorker, a survivor of a Hell's Kitchen childhood, a graduate of the Bronx High School of Science and then the College of Insurance, which eventually opened the door to a career at Marsh & McLennan, where he was a vice president in claims casualty. Yet when he and his wife, Tricia, moved to Floral Park, on Long Island, six years ago, Mr. Dean became an instant surburbanite, taking up gardening and installing sheet rock in a bedroom they had added on.

Tricia Dean talked of her husband's athleticism — he had completed one New York City Marathon and two triathalons on Long Island — as well as his greatest chagrin: his shock of red hair. Growing up, he disdained red clothing lest it clash with his curls; as an adult he opted for a Marine-style cut. Yet for those who adored those locks and their bearer, their legacy will endure on his 3- year-old son, Matthew, and perhaps even his baby daughter, Claire Anne, who was born on Dec. 18.

'All of his achievements were a quiet daily pursuit, one that he never confused with financial prosperity or possessions,' said his sister Donna. 'He was successful because he loved us all — every day, little by little, gesture by gesture, word by word.'

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When I knew Bill I wasn't working for Marsh--I was the risk manager for a company in Atlanta, i.e., IMERYS. Our company was sold by our parent company in the UK to a new parent company in France. France handled all their US risk management needs through Marsh in New York, so we were switched from Atlanta to the New York team. Bill was assigned as our casualty claims broker. I only had the opportunity to meet Bill once when first being introduced to the team in NY, but talked with him much over the telephone. Bill was intelligent, energetic and very personable. He never seemed to mind when I called (which I did often!) and sought out his help. When I was told that Bill had fell victim to the tragic and senseless events of 9/11/2011, I confess that I shed tears in his behalf. He had often spoke over the phone of his family and how important they were to him. It was a very sad, sad day for me and my deepest sympathies go out, again, 10 years later for his wonderful wife and children.
Gregory Rankin, Colleague
Aug 30 2011 11:05AM
I knew Bill from working together on the ABB account. Although I didn't know him well, I did have the good fortune to enjoy his company and work with him on occasion. A really cool guy who made good in life. God Bless!
John Costello, Colleague
Apr 17 2011 7:28PM
was just thinking about when we were kids and we used to stay at your house in the city and the first time i saw george carlin the seven words show on hbo. really wish we couldve gotten to know each other bill, but shit happens. still miss you none the less
billy hind, Family
Feb 23 2011 1:48AM
9 years later and it stil feels like yesterday miss you cuz save a seat for me at the end of the bar
billy hind, Family
Sep 10 2010 4:56AM
I also grew up in Hell's Kitchen. I went to day camp at the local Police Athletic League on 11th Ave. Billy & his sister Donna were camp counselors and I was assigned to their group. I remember always playing basketball with Billy, trips to the 59th St. pool, or trips to the movies. I also graduated from Bronx Science and was saddened to learn about Billy's fate on 9/11. I'll always remember you, Billy. Thanks for everything. Amand
Amand Tasripin, Friend
Sep 10 2009 7:15PM
I went to Bronx High School of Science with 'Red' . We were close friends back then. Fun to be around; always 'snapping' on each other and everyone else. I'm sad that as I try to reconnect with old friends, I missed my chance with such a great guy. As you wrote in my yearbook.. Homeboys Always
Jonathan Milby, Friend
Jul 20 2009 5:09PM
billy was my cousin and my fathers godson. too bad i never really got to know him, but he is missed very much by all of our family, especially by my father. hope god had a pint waiting for you billy
billy hind, Family
Jan 2 2008 1:34AM
I interviewed Bill Dean for a position in the Atlantic Mutual Claims Department in New York City. To be honest, he was the first person I had ever met who went to college to pursue a career in insurance. I liked Bill from the first moment I met him and I hired in on the spot. It was a great hire. Although Bill and I started our relationship professionally we quickly became friends. Bill and I shared an interest in basketball and we played together on many occasions in New York and at my home in New Jersey. My recollection of those games is Bill always with a smile. Bill called me after I had left New York, having taken a promotion to the Home Office. He sought my advice about an oppurtunity he had at Marsh. I only wish I had advised him differently. The last time I saw Bill was at a wedding of another co-worker. As always, he was quiet, happy and content. I think about the good people I worked with at Atlantic Mutual over the years and the bonds we shared. They were good years. I think about Bill every time the 911 subject comes up. He will always have a good place in my mind and heart.
Craig Becker, Colleague
Aug 17 2006 3:14PM
In joining Marsh in 1999. I found that my name was already in the company directory. But in discovering that William H. Dean of Casualty Claims was already a long standing valued employee of Marsh, I could not help but contact William directly to introduce myself as the newest William Dean to the Marsh family. We spoke of our careers and our paths to Marsh and of our different roles within Marsh. We were constanly trading our office correspondence as our colleagues were constantly confusing the two of us which we found to be quite humorous. I always referred to Bill as 'Bill' the Marsh veteran and myself as 'William' the Marsh rookie. When I discovered we lost Bill (mainly thru MY family, friends and colleagues who were concerned for my well being) I felt as if an extended relative had moved on. Working in the Midtown office I never had the pleasure of meeting Bill..,I just wish I made an extra trip in my Marsh travels. Just to shake his hand.
William L. Dean, Colleague
Nov 12 2004 2:04PM
Billy: I think about you everyday... I miss and love you very much... Your brother Malcolm
Malcolm Dean, Jr.
Feb 27 2004 3:53PM