James Halvorson

Family Tribute:The Halvorson family would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the friends and colleagues of Jim’s for the many comforting words and support from Marsh. Jim had just celebrated his 30th anniversary of his start at Marsh in June of 2001 and we would have been married 32 years that December. Our loss is great with every day filled with a void where Jim should be and the many others that were lost that day. This is a part of a poem by Wendell Berry which helps deal with such senselessness:

'....Radiances know him.Grown lighter than breath, he is set free in our remembering.Grown brighter than vision, he goes dark into the life of the hill that holds his peace.He’s hidden among all that is, and cannot be lost.'

-Jim’s wife, Maureen Halvorson-

Not a day goes by without my dad being in my thoughts. I miss him as a father, a mentor and a friend.

-Jim’s son, Douglas-

How do I write a memorial to my son who was a part of my life? His loss has left an empty void which will be with me always. I miss you Jim.


I am greatly saddened by the loss of my brother, Jim. I cherish the times we had together -- memories of time long ago and am gratelful for the last few years during which we saw each other more often. My daughters often say, 'We miss Uncle Jim'. They loved him very much. I am sorry he will not be able to watch them grow. He is in our hearts forever..

-Jim’s sister, Kate-

A most difficult and painful thing to do is say goodby to a loved one when you didn’t know it was time for goodbyes. When I look into the eyes of your wife and son, my heart breaks knowing the pain and loss they are feeling. You brought so much laughter and love into our lives. We all miss you and wish we could turn back the clocks. Farewell, brother-in-law, till we meet again.

-Jeanne McDermott-

James Douglas Halvorson: Meticulous in Work and Play

As a managing director at Marsh & McLennan, the insurance brokerage company where he worked for 30 years, James Douglas Halvorson was meticulous in structuring complex deals for construction projects in Pakistan, Indonesia and other third world countries. He was similarly methodical in his pleasures.

When he decided to run in the New York City Marathon about 10 years ago, for example, he cut back on the good meals and wines that he loved. 'He was very meticulous about keeping to his training schedule,' said his son, Douglas James Halvorson. 'He was totally focused on the job at hand. It was the only marathon he ever did, and he was very proud of doing it.'

Douglas James Halvorson said his father, an avid Giants fan, had season tickets near the 50-yard line, and had a system for attending games, sometimes with his wife, Maureen, and often with his son. He would arrive by 11:30 a.m., park right by the Stadium Club entrance and eat lunch there at a table just to the left of the bar -- usually a turkey sandwich, 'lite mayo on whole wheat toast,' his son said.

As for the game, much as he liked the action, Mr. Halvorson, 56, would usually leave at the end of the third quarter. 'He wanted to beat the rush,' his son said. 'He had it all rigged.'

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I worked with Jim at Marsh & McLennan. We shared the same birthday Jan 10th. It was a tradition to go out to lunch with Bob Newhouse III whose birthday is on Jan 9th every year. Miss the good old days. RIP Jim
Ronnie Byrnes, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 1:51PM
Jim and I sat near each other in the New York offices when I first started at Marsh a few months after him. We learned together in Unit E and we gained the experience and knowledge to share with our many clients worldwide. Jim was far too young to be lost and I think of him and his family on this sad anniversary, and pray they have found peace.
Evelyn Wolovnick, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 8:30PM
I was thinking about Jim today, all the way from Australia. There is a rail line in Sydney called the Parramatta Rail Link that Jim helped us out with. A few weeks after September 11 we won the tender for this job and I will never forget the emptiness at not being able to tell him about the win, when it really hit home he simply was not there. I recall taking Jim to the Establishment after our presentation to State Rail, where we chatted about life and family, and how much he missed his family when he was travelling. If I recall correctly he did crazy amounts of travel ! Of course the rail line has been up and running for many years now, but I have never been on it. Remembering you today Jim.
Melissa Cooper ( Donnelly), Colleague
Aug 19 2016 8:24AM
My prayers to the family and friends of Mr. Halvorson.
Susan Klinefelter, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 8:48AM
From the distance of New Zealand, I still fondly remember Jim as both a colleague and friend since 1983. The last time we met was at our home in Melbourne, Australia in March 2011 over a BBQ party involving Jim and a number of other colleagues and friends from MARSH globally. After all of these passing years my red wine suppy is still being replenished !!!!!! Even though 11 years have passed,I still remember the verse that I read on that fateful day in history: Kia horo te marino Kia whakapapa pounamute moana Kia tere te karohirohi Mua i te huarahi May the calm be widespread May the sea glisten like greenstone And may the shimmer of sunlight Dance across your pathway Arohaniu -- Until we meet again. My thoughts are always with Mrs Halvorsen and Douglas.
Alastair R. MITCHELL [New Zealand], Colleague
Sep 11 2012 7:22PM
Remembering our times at Marsh at 1166 Avenue of the Americas. Jim - I cannot believe 11 years have passed. Gone, but never forgotten!!!!
Lori Gabel, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 3:54PM
Still remembering your quiet energy and professionalism and the joy of looking down at the ships on the Hudson from the 99th floor. It was great to have known you Jim.
Francesca Vanasco, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 11:05AM
Jim's advice, leadership, and most importantly his friendship remain strongly with me today. I am forever grateful to have known Jim well and to have benefited from his mentoring early in my time with Marsh. Mrs. Halvorson and Doug, my thoughts are with you on this solemn anniversary. Respectfully, Tom
Thomas Kelly, Colleague
Sep 12 2011 11:23AM
I'm from St Louis, and I knew Jim in the mid-80's. At that time, Jim was the account mgr for Anheuser-Busch's insurance program. Jim was a great guy. As a special project, he helped our group set up an insurance program for beer wholesalers. He was always known for his expertise and willingness to help others. He also could joke about any misfortune that occured to him. I once heard he was hit by a station wagon when jogging. But, a broken leg didn't stop him from attending a meeting to help our project. I recall, after dinner, Joe Acciavati and I carefully maneuvered Jim and his cast into a cab. We sent him home with a 'thank you' bottle of wine. Our careers moved on, and I didn't see him again until April, 2001. I happened to be visiting NYC and ran into Jim on the 99th floor (ironically) during a fire drill. I remember, Jim said he might retire soon...as that subject was on my mind, as well. My thoughts and prayers go out to Jim's family...as we all remember what was lost 10 years ago. I suspect Jim is still making jokes about his bad luck, and I am looking forward to seeing him again. I believe this life is just a transition to the next. God Bless his family.
Bob Davis, Colleague
Sep 10 2011 1:37PM
I always think of Jim at this time of year and still miss the sage and friendly advice he always found time to give.My thoughts are with Maureen, Douglas and the other members of his family.
Brian Elliot, Friend
Aug 31 2011 3:47PM
I met james a couple of times in Indonesia. I was a loss adjuster with crawford. He was a fine man. I beleiev I was sitting with him at a time when evacuation sounded like a good idea, around the time of the coup. He, together with a colleague of his, salvatore, is my spiritual link with 9/11, as a couple of my friends;victims of IRA bombings in Birmingham. My thought are with James,s family in this difficult month of the year. Dave Blackburn, Berwick Upon Tweed, UK.
david blackburn, Friend
Sep 27 2009 3:38PM
Even after eight years, the valuable mentoring you gave me through our work on projects in Brazil and the UK are still with me. Your friendship and advise over a beer of two at the Garota de Ipanema restaurant in Rio de Janeiro are still so valid. Had the pleasure to work with your son Doug on projects in Japan. Jim you are in my thoughts. Thanks for all.
Svein Tyldum, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 5:08AM
yea mine name is james halvorson as well
james halvorson, Colleague
Nov 13 2008 7:45PM
My name is also James Halvorson. I feel a connection here. 9-11 was such a bad tragedy and I am sorry for the loss. I feel deaply as all of us in this nation do. Best wishes to James's family. James Halvorson
james halvorson, Friend
Oct 13 2006 11:08PM
I sometimes cannot believe it is 5 years since that horrible day. Each day since I am reminded of the valuable mentoring I received from Jim during my early years at Marsh. Whether it was negotiating with reinsurers in Munich or enjoying a cognac on a plane to projects in Indonesia and Pakistan, Jim’s professionalism and knowledge were without peer. I remember the many hours laboring over projects around the world. What I also recall fondly is our humorous talks about the unique personalities of our dogs – Jim’s beloved Labs and my Goldens. To this day I consider Jim a friend even more than a colleague. Mrs. Halvorson and Doug, my thoughts are always with you.
Thomas Kelly, Friend
Sep 12 2006 3:11PM
On this the fifth anniversary of 9/11 and as a survivor of that event, I just wanted to say that while I did not know Jim, I have worked with his son for two years. Knowing that a father is always reflected in his son, I can understand what a good man Jim must have been as his son reflects the consumate professional and friend. My thoughts will be with you next Monday. Semper Fidelis God Bless America Ed Todd
Ed Todd, Colleague
Sep 8 2006 11:31AM
On this third anniversary of the terrible day in 2001 and watching the memorial ceremony at Ground Zero brought back the many fond memories of Jim. Time may heal some of the hurt but can never lessen the sense of loss of a very good friend and former colleague. My thoughts and prayers continue for Maureen and Doug. Haig Dick
Haig Dick, Friend
Sep 13 2004 12:05AM
It's now two years since Jim left his 'mortal coil'. I was recently going through an old file and came upon some correspondence related to an Around the World trip Jim and I took together back in the 1990s regarding a facility my company built in China. It reminded me of the great times we had and Jim's keen ability to work hard and also have a good time under extreme circumstances. While this remembrance brought a tear to my eye, the joy of knowing Jim soon made me smile. Here's to you my friend. You are deeply missed and you will never be forgotten. Steve Raimondi
Stephen Raimondi, Colleague
Sep 11 2003 11:10PM
The joy of knowing Jim and also knowing his son make my appreciation of Jim and what really mattered to him so meaningful. He wouldn't do anything if it couldn't be done professionally. To know him was to learn something positive - you couldn't help but benefit from knowing Jim.
Mark Greenwood, Friend
Sep 2 2003 3:44PM
A year has gone by since that awful day. I must say that I thought writing these words a year later would be a bit less painful than when I wrote my tribute to Jim soon after the tragedy of 9/11; it is not. As I said then, it was a privilege to work with Jim--his professionalism, knowledge, honesty and good humor--traits which don't exist today very often individually let alone in combination. I will ALWAYS remember the good times we had together; and I miss him dearly. It goes without saying that I wish his family and loved ones the best and I am truly grateful for the time he and I spent together. Steve Raimondi
Stephen Raimondi, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 1:32PM
I have worked at Marsh 13 Years and one of the first client executives I worked with was Jim. I was always impressed with Jim's calm demeanor, knowledge and saavy with clients. I was fortunate to have worked with Jim on Anheuser Busch and Dreamworks. I learned alot from him and admired his loyalty, sense of humor and professionalism. Through him I got the opportunity to work his son Doug for several years. All of Jim's good qualities have been given to Doug including sense of humor, loyalty and professionalism. Having lost my dad who was my best friend, mentor and father I can somewhat relate. In addition I have had a chance to meet Maureen, Jim's wife, who epitomizes the saying 'behind every successful man there is a stong, loving woman' I just wanted you to know that we are all thinking of you on this day and your strength and courage is an inspiration to us. We miss Mr H. Wishing you both well Scott Patterson
Scott Patterson, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 11:20AM
In life's journey we make many acquaintances and occasionally a lasting friendship. I have been lucky to have had two such friendships,Jim being the most recent. I will always cherish the times we worked and traveled together, and his patience in explaining a complex project. Now working only two locks from 'Ground Zero' I think about him every day and often wish I could call him to go for his favorite lunch....broiled filet of sole and a glass (or two) of white wine. Maureen and Doug are always in our thoughts and prayers and Jim fondly in our memories. Hazel & Haig
Hazel & Haig Dick, Friend
Sep 9 2002 6:26PM