Michael Hannan

Friends, co-workers and the woman who became his wife were all irresistibly drawn to Michael Hannan by the same qualities. They all remember a man who knew how to put people at ease and to make them laugh a lot. He was the catalyst for new friendships between the various people in his life. 'Michael was the tree trunk and his friends were the branches,' said Chuck Abar, a neighbor and close friend.

Mr. Hannan, 34, was an assistant vice president at Marsh & McLennan. His supervisor, Noreen Laplaski, recalled how he fostered camaraderie through his presence and his passionate involvement in a variety of corporate athletics.

His energy and enthusiasm were never more evident than in his professional life. He rose within the ranks of his department ahead of people who had been in the company far longer.

'He had so much potential, he would have really gone places in the company if he had lived,' Ms. Laplaski said.

At the heart of it was his determination to find a solution to every problem. 'If he came up against a wall, he would climb over it, crash through it or go under it,' Ms. Laplaski said. 'He wouldn't let it stop him. He was like a younger brother to me.'

Friends and co-workers agree on one more thing. That what sustained Michael Hannan was his wife, Andrea, and two young daughters, Rachel, 5, and Alexandra, 22 months. 'What drove Mike was how much he loved Andrea and the girls,' Mr. Abar said.

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I worked in the london office & it was always good to speak to Mike.You are not forgotten and are still in our thoughts.Rest in Peace.
Paul Richardson, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 9:35AM
I will never forget. Thinking of you and your family always. Rest in peace Mike.
Leticia Becerra, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 9:00AM
Thinking of you today cousin. You are not forgotten!
Mark Adams, Family
Sep 12 2017 3:47AM
Think of you and your family today. Such a lovely man who was always laughing and was a pleasure to work with. Andrea - Marsh London.
Andrea Grange, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 8:43AM
Think about you and your family during the year, but especially today. May God Bless you and your girls!!
Renee Impaglia, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 8:26 AM
I worked with Mike when I worked in the Chicago Finance Center. Every time I called he picked up the phone and was so happy and ready to help. He was an absolute joy to work with. Always ready and willing to help while cracking jokes and making you feel so comfortable.
Elham Tallackson, Colleague
Sep 11 2013 10:07AM
A friend through a former Marsh employee, I regularly saw Mike on the E train enroute to Penn Station in the evenings. I would push his newspaper, annoying him, listening to him grumble, until he would look up, realize who it was and we would catch up. Great guy .... and yes, I'm the guy that bought his white MGB. I raised my glass in his honor last weekend in Montauk.
Stephen Kelly, Friend
Sep 10 2013 12:44PM
Miss you lots and think of you often. This is really a tough day for everyone I'm sure. You made a lasting impression on every person you've met in your life. You were well liked and a bright light when you entered a room. I miss our banter back and forth at work. I hope your girls get to read these tributes some day and know how great their dad was and how missed you are by all. We will meet up again, my friend. Save a spot for me up there, will ya ?
Linda Vogt, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 5:49PM
It has taken me 10 years to write this. I tried a number of times... never felt what I wrote would express what a great person Mike was. I work in the Syracuse, NY office. On 09/10/01 Mike an I where trying to muddle through an accounting problem that we had been working on for awhile, it was late in the day and decide to talk first thing the next morning. I wish we had been able to do that. No matter what the problem Mike would always find a solution. He was a great person to work with.
Renee' Impaglia, Colleague
Sep 8 2011 8:21AM
Finally got him. It doesn't change things but there is a small amount of relief and satistaction that he will not be able to harm more people. I miss you and all that you were very much.
Peter Kress, Friend
May 2 2011 3:54PM
my name is johnny angel hannan son of marcel hannan my grandfather is john hannan well i would like to to say we love micheal and we will be remembering him today and alll of the ones who were lost this tragic day my condoleces go out to our family even tho we have never been in touch becaouse my family lives in miami well love all of you love micheal..love johnny
johnny hannan, Family
Sep 10 2010 11:27PM
I just wanted you to know that I think of you often. I miss your laugh. We always heard you from cubicles away ! You were the life of the party who always kept everyone entertained. God Bless you and your family...I know their pain will never go away and neither will mine.
Linda Vogt, Colleague
Sep 10 2010 1:41PM
I was working at Marsh when Mike began. He sat two cubicles behind me and you could always hear his laughter. I work with both Michael and John Tobin, and I recently was going through some old pictures I have of a wedding I attended for another Marsh co worker and thought of them. I now work in the World Financial Center and take the path train from New Jersey everyday, so I do think of them frequently. I hope they are both resting in peace in heaven. My prayers are with both their families
Theresa Boccio, Colleague
Feb 21 2008 12:12PM
I worked with Mike but never met him face to face. He helped me out with something that was very important to me at the time. It took several months and quite a bit of effort on Mike's part to get it done. The task seemed impossible but Mike never gave up on it. He was tenacious and pleasant at the same time and always very patient with me. Mike was a terrific guy. My heart and prayers go out to his family.
Dennis Walsh, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 11:10AM
I never worked with Mike, we had mutual friends and saw each other at social gatherings and around the trade towers, as I worked there also but for another company. I was there that day and will carry the scars of that day forever ... and I'm lucky. Mike was not. Typing this brings tears to my eyes 5 yrs later. Mike was a good guy that deserved a happier ending. My best to his family.
Stephen Kelly, Friend
Sep 11 2006 5:26PM
It has been 5 years to the day and not a day goes by that I don't think of Mike Hannan. He was my Supervisor, friend, and advice man (both on kids and relationships)...I know he is probably smiling on the advice part. He would be proud to know that I found someone almost as great as Andrea, and I finally know what it means to have a daughter as wonderful as Rachel and Alexandra both are. It was a great 4 years working with Mike. I still think of that song he used to sing at work and tease me about 'Star Rockets in flight, afternoon delight'. May God continue to watch over and comfort your family. Lovingly submitted, Yvette Guidry-Robinson Marsh (1995 - 2004)
Yvette Guidry-Robinson, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 1:13PM
It has been five years and you are still always in my thoughts. It still so hard to understand that you are gone forever but I think about you often and the great times we had at Marsh. I miss you!
Karen Wilton, Friend
Sep 9 2006 11:03AM
I had posted only once prior; it was never published at that time, possibly because of the freshness of the pain. I wanted to share this with you this morning. At 9:00 am this morning, Friday, September 10th, in Wichita, Kansas on the tarmac of the airstrip of Learjet Corporation, a single bagpipe player in full dress, walked down the tarmac in honor of the lost and the left behind of September 11th. The songs that were played; Amazing Grace and The Star Spangled Banner, were a reminder of what hope there is and yet, the loss we all feel. Especially in the aviation industry. Tears were not absent. Love to your family, Kristen Williams Learjet / Wichita, KS
Kristen Williams, Colleague
Sep 10 2004 10:13AM
I worked with Mike for a numer of years and each time I visited New York he would be one of the first to reach out , we had some great times together. I regret that after I left Marsh we did not stay in contact. It has been said that he would have gone far in the organisation had he been with us today.. this guy had massive potential and a big heart.
stephen evans, Friend
Apr 29 2004 9:19AM
Hello, My name also Michael Hannan, so is my fathers', I was truely amazed and deeply saddend to read my, his, name in the list of those who perished on September 11. I don't know if we are related at all, but if any of his family is interested I would talk to them about their family history. I have read these tributes to Michael and I can only conclude that he was a well loved and highly thought of man. I like to think that it goes with the name and family. My sincerest sympathies to all who knew Michael. We shall never forget those who passed that day. Please feel free to contact me atmhannan40@comcast.net. May peace be with all over you always. Mike
Michael Hannan, Friend
Jan 17 2003 8:12PM
Not a day goes by that I don't think of Mike. We had many good laughs about work and life. He was a great friend and co-worker. His family is in my thoughts and prayers. We miss you Dude!!
Joey Rodriguez, Colleague
Dec 13 2002 4:19PM
Mike Hannan was my Supervisor, but more importantly, he was my life saver. If Mike didn't sign me up for a computer class that Tuesday in another building, I wouldn't be here today. I always smile when I think about him. He really enjoyed every minute of his life. Mike was always on the go, taking vacations, camping trips, spending his summers in his cabana on the beach. He had a great sense of humor and could make you laugh in an instant.Mike loved his family so much and especially loved taking his daughter Rachel everywhere with him. He always spoke about his family at work. I think about Mike everyday and miss him very much. My heart goes out to his family!
Leila Elvebakk, Colleague
May 6 2002 1:49PM
There is never a day that goes by that I don't think about Mike. He was a specail friend that ment so much to me. May God watch over him and his beautiful family. I will always remember the special memories. I miss you, Mike!!!!
Karen Wilton, Friend
Apr 23 2002 10:30AM
I had the pleasure of meeting and working on the same floor with Mike 11 years ago. My memories of Mike are many. What I liked about Mike was his love for life and his passion for reading “a good book”. Mike trying for a whole year to convince me that “Pillars of the Earth” was the greatest book and the original Star Wars movie trilogies was excellent. If Mike Hannon was your friend and on your side, you should consider yourself blessed to have known him! I think about Mike everyday. He really loved living and was so happy-go-lucky. People should take a lesson from Mike Hannon because he lived life to the fullest and enjoyed every minute. My thoughts and prayers go out to Mike’s family.
Patricia Foy, Colleague
Apr 22 2002 9:19AM
Mike was my first supervisor after I had graduated college. Of course, I was scared and nervous,but Mike made sure I felt comfortable and he was always there when I needed help. He was a great guy, fun to be with and loved his family very much. I'll miss him.
Michele Sammarco, Colleague
Apr 21 2002 12:18PM
I can say a lot about Mike. He literally had 3 full decades of fun...you can say he lived life to the fullest. Mike would take the shirt off his back if a friend needed it. He made working at Marsh tolerable. He always defended his staff when needed. He was a riot to hang out with at Happy Hours, Christmas parties, any function really. Mike was a terrific father and husband. My heart goes out to his wife, Andrea and two beautiful daughters, Rachel and Alexandra. I will truly miss Mike. He was more than just a supervisor to me...he was my friend.
Linda Vogt, Friend
Apr 17 2002 6:33PM