Richard Keane
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Dick, I can't believe it has been 18 years since that tragic day when we lost you and many others on one of the most horrific days in history. It is still so hard to believe when I sit and try to understand why this had to happen to one of the nicest person I knew. When this days roles around each year I'm sure it is so hard for your family to bare. You may be gone but never forgotten by your family, friends and colleagues. May you forever rest in peace. Phyllis.
Phyllis Griffin, Colleague
Sep 12 2019 0:12PM
Dick, I still think of you often, even after all these years. We just unexpectedly lost another colleague of ours from Marsh Hartford and I was reminded of you. Sometimes its still hard to believe that we lost you so long ago. Thank you for your kindness, sense of humor, and caring for each of us as your Marsh family. Our loss is God's gain, but I know that you're in good hands. I thank God for the privilege of having worked with you. Chris C. Decker, Regional Insurance and Risk Manager, North America, Legal and Contract Management, Alstom Group
Chris C Decker, Colleague
Jun 25 2019 5:08PM
Dick and I were in the same practice for several years,although we didn't work in the same Marsh office. Our practice meetings were always lightened up by Dick's presence. I still have a picture of myself and Dick at a practice meeting, wearing goofy plastic glasses with a fake nose and black mustache. Dick you were smart, grounded and so much fun to work with. Miss you much!
Donna Nedik, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 11:13AM
Dick, it is hard to believe that it has been 15 years since we lost you that day. God could not have welcomed a finer Christian, Husband and Father. I can still remember us briefly speaking the day before together about our old boss at Travelers. Much has happened since then and I pray for your family. I finally met the love of my life at work of all places and just got remarried. I pray for Judy, your fine boys and that God's light shines upon them and you. Thank you for the privilege of having worked with you. Chris C. Decker, Insurance and Ris Manager, North America, ALSTOM
Chris Decker, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 9:10AM
I worked in LA and Dick in Conn. but we were in the same Practice group so our paths crossed often. What I remember most about Dick was his joy. He always brought a smile to livin' up a meeting or an over wrought moment. We were coming back from a work dinner in Seattle one night in a horrible storm. Our umbrellas turned inside out and then finally blew away. We were drenched and cold but I just remember how he turned to me and laughed at the absurdity of it all. I had to laugh as well. RIP Dick. God bless to your family and friends.
Suzanne Marshall, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 5:24 PM
Thinking of you,Judy and the boys - it was a gift to know you. Thirteen years is a long be without that smile and laugh.You will live in my heart forever dear friend. Till we meet again. Steve
Steve Judge, Friend
Sep 10 2014 4:20PM
Dick, Although 12 years have now passed,I often think of you and the love and devotion you had for your family, along with the kindness you displayed toward your colleagues at Marsh. When I think of that horrific day I know that your tremendous faith and love for others was an example to all those around you, even with tragedy impending. Chris C. Decker, Risk Manager U.S.A. and Canada, Alstom Inc.
Chris Decker, Colleague
Sep 11 2013 2:21PM
Dick, I still recall the week we spent together working that boring claim review project in New Jersey. You made it fun. Each night we'd have dinner and laugh and tell jokes.
Dan Holden, Colleague
Sep 9 2011 6:29PM
Top 'o the morning to you, boyo...I think often of you and your happy Irish greetings throughout the Hartford office ('Nancy, me girl!'), your smiling face and your delightful stories. It makes me ache for what's gone, but provides a warm, cherished memory of what we all had in the blessing of your friendship.
Nancy Grandin, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 10:22AM
I can't believe eight years has passed by so quickly. You were one of the nicest person that I've ever met and would often inquire about my family. Whenever I saw you in the office you had a bright smile on your face with a warm personality to match and of course a great story teller. You are still missed by many in the Marsh Hartford Office but not forgotten. I see your wonderful smile daily as your picture still sits on my desk.
Phyllis Griffin, Colleague
Sep 10 2009 11:44AM
Although I can't claim to have had a close relationship with Dick Keane, I will always remember him as one of the kindest, most genuine and friendly people that I've ever come across. He always had a smile, wave and hello for every person in the office be they a VP or a temp - everyone was the same to him that way. I feel fortunate that I was able to know him even in the small way that I did, as he is an example of what a human being can be at their best. You'll be remembered well, fondly and often for all the days to come, Dick.
Suzanne Haugh, Colleague
Sep 3 2009 4:17PM
The dedication of the 9/11 Sports Center in Wethersfield on this the 7th anniversary of your passing was truly inspiring for the 1,000 people that attended. Please take the time to stop by when you are in the area as this is a magical place, with the spirit of Dick around every corner of the facility. Judy Keane, the Keane family, and the many volunteers have created a very special place where we can all go at any time, to remember our collegue and friend. We miss you Dick, and will never forget. Your old boss, John Barghout.
John Barghout, Colleague
Sep 16 2008 10:49PM
Dick, It's hard to believe that 7 years have passed since we worked together. I still think of you often, especially of the kind and loving example that you set for those of us who were fortunate enough to be your colleagues at Marsh. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers all of the days of my life. Chris C Decker Assistant Risk Manager, US Alstom
Chris Decker, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 10:06AM
Reading these messages, even now,after all this time has passed, brings an acute ache to my heart. Rick is a wonderful example of how touching someones life,even in a casual a co worker, a coach for a season, a fellow church memeber, or someone you pass in the street....the part of you that you share with them, could stay with them a life time....Chose to treat them with kindness and humor. You left such a void in our lives Rick..I am blessed to have known and loved you. Till we meet again....keep an eye on us and please put a good word in with God.. Love and miss ya, your sister..Charl
Charlotte Keane, Family
Sep 4 2008 11:15AM
Dick, Even as time goes on, you and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I am very fortunate to having had the privilege of calling you a colleague and friend. I will never forget how much you loved your family and cared for those around you. I will miss you all of the days of my life. Chris Decker
Chris Decker, Colleague
May 11 2007 4:49PM
Does anyone know if this Richard Keane was prior military with the USAF? I'm looking for one that was with the 418th AGS in the late 70's early 80's at Kadena AB Okinawa. Thanks in advance.
Dan Pinkerton, Colleague
Apr 14 2007 11:36AM
There are very few people on earth with a heart and a sense of humor like Dick Keane. His photo hangs in our office and his memory lives there too. Dick was the person who would jump on the conference table to begin a presentation - and leave a photo of his grandson on your desk. I think about Dick every single day with a smile. I pray God be with Dick's family whom he loved more than anything.
Pamela Hobbs, Colleague
Jan 30 2007 11:08AM
I am thinking of you today, Dick. Bless you.
Michael C. Sensiba, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 1:35PM
5 years have gone by and I still think of Dick fondly many times a year. He is missed.
Russ St. Hilaire, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 10:00AM
It's hard to believe that it's been 5 years since that day. I can still see Dick the morning before 9/11 when we briefly discussed an upcoming meeting in the hall at Marsh with one of our former bosses, wishing each other well on our business trips during that week. Dick was, and still is, one of the finest people that I've been blessed to know. In speaking with Dick, you knew how much he loved his family, Judy and his boys, his grandchildren and life. He always took the time to be supportive of others no matter how busy he was at work. His love and example is one that I'll never forget. On this day, I pray for Dick and his family, as well as for all those at Marsh who lost their lives. Chris C. Decker Insurance Manager Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
Chris Decker, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 8:26AM
I still think often of Dick. He was one of the best people that I've ever worked with and one of the kindest. Despite being busy or pressured with work, he would always take time for others. I will never forget his example and I'm grateful for knowing him. Chris Decker Insurance Manager Friendly Ice Cream Corporation
Chris C. Decker, Colleague
Jul 25 2005 3:45PM
I often still think often of Dick, especially of his wonderful sense of humor and warm, loving personality. He would light up the office when he went by me in the hall, and his example still follows me to this day. I continue to pray for Dick and his family. I thank God for having had the opportunity to know him. Chris Decker, Insurance Manager, Friendly's Ice Cream Corporation
Chris Decker, Colleague
Dec 4 2003 5:16PM
Iplayed on many of Mr. Keane's son's sports teams. They were always such great times and i will always remenber them with fondness. I also remember one soccer season we played for Sweet Gatherings Ice Cream Parlor and went undefeated that year.
Daniel Sanders, Friend
Nov 19 2003 4:31PM
Dick, Was my uncle he was the greatest person i have ever know he always had some thing funny and nice to say. I play basketball and one game we were in the championship I was sick and couldn't really play but he cheered on my team and was always there for me. I will always miss him.We have stared a foundation for him the keane foundation in wethersfield if you would like to help please go to
Allison Curran, Family
Sep 27 2003 11:31AM
I just discovered Richard's name on your Memorial list. It saddens me to know that he is not there to talk to when needed. He helped me through a tough time with just the right amount of encouragement. I offer my heart felt thoughts to all those who had the pleasure to be part of his family, both at home and at work. We are all diminished by his passing.
John C. Rayder, Colleague
Feb 6 2003 1:37PM
Heaven got a 'good one' back!! Dick will be sorely missed forever. My thoughts and prayers have been with his family, and continue to be. We lost an Angel!
Dianna Mehrabi, Friend
Sep 11 2002 4:49PM
It's hard to believe that a year has passed since we lost Dick. I think of Dick often, in fact, most every day. I have and will always consider him a friend, as well as colleague, going back to our days at Travelers and then,later on, at Marsh. Dick and I would occasionally discuss our families and some of life's challenges that we all face. Dick's love, patience and example always inspired me, especially since he always made time to carefully listen to others, offering his tremendous encouragement and support. I will always remember our brief chats and I'm grateful that when we passed each other in the hall on September 10th, in a bit of a rush because we both had upcoming business trips, that I took the time to mention that I was going to speak with one of our former bosses at Travelers regarding a project that we were working on. Dick was pleased that I mentioned our former boss and asked me to give him his regards, as I did. As a result of my relationship with Dick, as well as the disastrous events of September 11th, I have begun to volunteer to help others, becoming a Deacon at our Church, while spending more time with my family at home. Dick is one of the finest people that I've had the privilege of working with and I will miss him, all of the days of my life. Chris Decker, Marsh Hartford CT
Chris Decker, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 4:20PM
I worked with Dick in the Hartford office for about a year. Whenever he passed me in the office he always had a smile on his face and always took to the time to say hello. He was a very kind person. I miss him and my heart goes out to his family.
Leigh Ann Timlen, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 10:03AM
Dick and I worked together from 1977 to the early 1990's. Our families developed a strong friendship. When my husband and I would travel to Hartford from Tampa, we would stay with Dick and Judy in their warm and loving Wethersfield home and when they would travel south, they would stay with us. We would always have a party in Tampa, when he and Judy came down, inviting friends who had all cultivated friendships with Dick and Judy during the many years that we all worked together. Just a few months prior to September 11th, they came to Tampa for a 'impromtu' visit and we had a wonderful time, re-living so many, many warm and fun times together. At that time, he said...'you know, Judy and I both felt that we just had to come down this year, life is getting too short, not to take time to be a friend and to be with friends.' How fortunate we were that he and Judy came down, as just a few months later, we were all so stunned and saddened to learn that on that fateful September day, he had traveled from Hartford into N.Y. for the meeting that morning. Dick was so many wonderful things to so many people. He was honest, candid, hard working, unassuming,concerned about others, funny and so full of energy that he never seemed to stop. He never met a stranger....he would go out of his way to stop on the street and give someone a great friendly smile...and say, 'have a good one!' I miss him very, very much.My heart has gone out to his family during this past year. His Memorial Service last October was a wonderful tribute to a man who will never, never be forgotten. The stones on the altar, that were taken from his garden site where he loved to work the earth, were a heart rendering reminder that Dick did not want to be thought of as someone that was 'above' or 'better' than anyone else; even with his brillant and creative mind, he wanted to be thought of as someone who cared about others. what a great loss to our world. Cathy Johnson, Tampa Florida
Cathy Johnson, Friend
Sep 8 2002 10:48PM
I worked with Dick in the Hartford office for years. He was always smiling and had something good to say no matter what. He could bring a smile to everyone's face just by saying 'Hi, simply hi' My Dad had been diagnosed with Dementia and Dick would always take the time to ask how both he and I were doing. My Dad passed away one night seven years ago while in a convalescent home that Judy Keane, Dick's wife, worked as head nurse. It so happened that Judy had to work that night as one of the nurses could not make it in. Dick made sure that I knew that Judy was with my Dad when he passed on This brought great comfort to my family and I since we didn't arrive at the convalescent home in time to say goodbye. I have always felt a sense of closeness to both Dick and Judy for that reason. I miss Dick, my heart goes out to Judy and her family.
Alicia Lynde, Colleague
May 13 2002 3:47PM
Dick and I worked together on a project in Trenton, NJ about 2 years ago. I had met him before, and we had exchanged numerous e-mails, but I had never spent much time with him. I found him to be a very warm and very funny fellow. All of us auditors had dinner together several times, and we laughed a lot at Dick's jokes. Dick and I shared some common interests, especially when it came to family and religion. He has a good-hearted Irishman, and I'll miss him.
Dan Holden, Colleague
May 8 2002 4:32PM
I had the pleasure of working with Dick on a very labor intensive account for about 6-8 months. Dick was a very enthusiastic, helpful, pleasant and knowledgeable man. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him and know him (although I would have loved to know him better). One thing that haunts me the most, is that, I received a voice mail from him the evening of 9/10, stating that he would be in New York on 9/11 and he would contact me to address a particular issue sometime that afternoon (if he did not reach me 1st thing in the AM). I could not beleive what happened and how this could happen to anyone, let alone, one of the nicest people I know. I was in shock for sometime. My sympathy goes out to his family.
Kristy A. Dreher, Colleague
May 2 2002 3:38PM
During a claim review that lasted days Dick provide 'entertainment' by telling goofy jokes that caused more groans then laughter. After awhile we began asking him to tell us more because we enjoyed the pleasure and enthusiasm he exhibited while telling them. He was a pleasure to work with, a real gem and a great loss to us.
Janelle Beauchemin, Colleague
Apr 25 2002 6:24PM