Kristen Montanaro

Kristen Montanaro, 34, was facilities administrator at firm

Dare Kristen Montanaro to dye her hair and she'd have the bottle in hand. Travel? There were no geographic boundaries for the adventurous 34-year-old from Rosebank.Last September, she romped around Madrid with her two sisters -- one her identical twin -- and a few friends. This October, Ms. Montanaro had planned to absorb the excitement of Las Vegas. But Sept. 11 put an end to her plans and dreams. 'The mementos she brought us back from Spain mean a lot more to us now,' said her mother, Ellen Robb.

Ms. Montanaro was last seen on the 93rd floor of Tower 1 at the World Trade Center, where she worked for Marsh & McLennan. She remains among the missing.

The Rosebank native was three classes shy of her associate's degree in business at Kingsborough College when the terrorists struck. 'She was full of life, very sociable,' said her mother, Ellen Robb. 'She was a normal young girl. She liked to shop and loved to go to the movies.' Ms. Montanaro also appreciated sites closer to home: weekends in Long Beach Island, N.J., evening strolls along the South Beach boardwalk, and walks in

Clove Lakes Park. But as much as she enjoyed having fun, Ms. Montanaro was focused on her career and education.

Employed by Marsh & McLennan for the past 11 years, she worked most recently as a facilities administrator for the global risk and insurance firm. She was responsible for ordering desks, mapping out their placement, and securing office computers, among other things. She first worked in the Broad Street offices of Johnson & Higgins, which was later purchased by Marsh & McLennan. Prior to entering the insurance industry, Ms. Montanaro was an administrative assistant for Duome Associates, an advertising company in Downtown Manhattan.

Ms. Montanaro was a graduate of Curtis High School and took evening classes at Kingsborough. Earlier, she had studied for a year and half at the College of Staten Island.

As a youth, she played softball with the East Shore Little League. Though less athletic in her 20s, she enjoyed bowling, and joined various Island teams with her twin sister, Karen. 'She was a fun person to go out with,' Karen said. 'She was up for anything.' The identical twins were often mistaken for one another, and had a knack for leaving the Mall with the same outfits -- even when shopping separately. With their younger sister, Jamie, the twins spent summers at Long Beach Island, often renting a beach house with friends. 'She had a special bond with her identical twin sister, Karen,' said Ms.Robb. 'They always needed each other and were very close.'

Three weeks after Sept. 11, Ruby, the family dog, had to be put to sleep -- a sad event that, oddly, now makes family members smile. 'She used to call Ruby 'Angel,' and she wasn't a particularly friendly dog. That was always a source of laughs,' Ms. Robb said. 'We hope Ruby miraculously made it to heaven and is with Kristen.'

Ms. Montanaro participated in at least five walk-a-thons to raise money for juvenile diabetes research, a cause close to her heart. Both her younger sister and her father have the disease. 'She was someone you could turn to. We were a tight-knit group of sisters,' said Jamie. 'None of us were married and we all depended on each other.'

In addition to her parents, Ellen Robb and Frank Montanaro, and her sisters, Karen and Jamie, survivors include her maternal grandmother, Christine Robb,and her paternal grandmother, Lorraine Montanaro.

Copyright 2002. Reprinted with permission from the Staten Island Advance.

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Hey I remember Kristen I work on the same floor at 125 Broad st. I was in charge of making sure all deliveries and express mail get to its rightful places on time.RIP Kristen
Torrence Williams, Colleague
Sep 14 2014 10:28PM
I worked with Kristen during all of her time at Johnson & Higgins,125 Broad Street in New York City, and enjoyed every minute. Remembering Kristen, I describe her in one word, sweet. If ever an angel walked among us, it was Kristen. Sweet smile, sweet voice, and sweet spirit; miss you Kristen. From Joe Smith on behalf of J&H; University.
Joe Smith, Colleague
Jan 22 2014 4:17PM
Kristen I share a friend is you, your honor braclet, I did not know you but nothing as Savoie I saw you from me filled with tears, I'm at the other end of the world but I seen live, and your friend and I will always remember you love and light to you flies
prscille vigneron, Friend
Sep 12 2011 4:31PM
God Bless
G, Friend
Sep 11 2010 6:27PM
Kristen, Thinking of you with love and a deep sorrow as we get closer to tomorrow 9/11. I am so sorry for all we lost that day. I am sorry we lost you. I happen to know there are some who work very hard to make sure this won't happen again. God Bless you always and forever, from my heart to yours.
Donna Slater Frank, Friend
Sep 10 2010 6:41PM
I hadn't seen Kristen since I came to the Island for a wedding that we both attended, and prior to that, I think we were like 15 the last time I saw the girls. When I saw her name on the list of victims, I cried. I hope the rest of the family knows how much I feel for their loss. I spent today thinking of all the fun we used to have going skating, and hanging out, and paying her so I wouldn't have to deliver my Advance route. I miss Kristen terribly. (Don't get me wrong, I miss Karen and Jamie, too.) May God bless you and keep you all safe.
Linda 'Monaghan' Claus, Friend
Sep 11 2009 9:56PM
I love your bench in the sunset park. You are a beautiful angel.
Cary Ann Sarashetti, Friend
Sep 11 2008 12:03PM
Ellen, I just saw this while doing a search for someone. I hope you remember me. I babysat the twins years ago in North Carolina (we were neighbors). I know I didn't know your Kristen at all but losing a child has to be so hard. I remember the days we were all so young and away from home, Jamie was just born and all the girls were so fun to watch and be around. Bob and I think about you often and this just brought back many more memories of those days. All my love to you all. She sounds like a beautiful girl inside and out. A friend from the past, Kathy Bailey
Kathy Bailey, Friend
Mar 4 2008 2:35PM
I saw the bench in memory Kristen when I was at Long Beach Island Sunset Park - Beautiful tribute. I was lucky that day my husband made it home. Sorry for your loss - I looked her up after seeing the bench - I just wanted to see what she looked like - beautiful girl - she is with you wherever you go.
Cary Sarashetti, Friend
Sep 14 2007 4:59PM
As I scanned the list of the missing, I came across your name. It had been a long time, and an even longer time for me to craft this tribute. Your smile could brighten the room, and man, could you and Karen make me laugh. I am sorry we lost touch after softball because I didn't think of you only as players on my team, I thought of you as friends. Ellen, Karen and Jamie - I am so sorry for your loss. Irish Blessing May the road rise with you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, And rains fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again,may God keep you in the hollow of His hand. Joyce Burns
Joyce Burns, Friend
Sep 9 2007 11:11PM
Kristen, Happy Birthday, oh God I can't believe that I went to your tribute and didn't even realize it was your birthday. It's been almost 5 years, time is going by so quickly, your still in my thoughts, I wish you were still here. Enjoy your 39th birthday, your catching up to me. Miss you. Barbara
Barbara, Friend
Aug 26 2006 1:01AM
I found this page because I searchd for my old friend and former student Ellen Robb. Whether I have reached the same Ellen Robb or another, I am touched and saddened by your very untimely loss of Kristen. Ellen, if you are my old friend and former student, please get in touch. I am listed at the same location where I was. In any case, please accept my heartfelt sympathy. Kristen sounds like a wonderful person and now I feel that I know her and share your loss.
Gerald Marks, Friend
Apr 26 2004 1:27PM
Dear Family, I worked with Kristen at Johnson & Higgins about ten years ago, and still remember Kristen's laugh. She had a way of bringing joy into a day. I was devestated to hear of this incredible tragedy. Kristen took pity on me for being her age and really never doing anything on a Friday night , so she invited me out for drinks with her friend and sisters. I was very moved and touched by the incredibly close relationship she had with her sisters. You are blessed to have had her in your lives and I feel blessed to have known her. I will never forget her laugh. With sincere sympathy RoseAnn Clemente-Lombardo
RoseAnne Clemente-Lombardo, Friend
Apr 10 2004 11:08PM
Dear Kristen, I still can't believe you are gone. There isn't a day that goes by without a thought of you and your fabulous smile. My sympathy to your twin and family.
Sharon Glick, Colleague
Feb 12 2004 2:02PM
Kristen- Although you never met most of us, please know that you often in the thoughts of your relatives from Maine. Kevin Morton
Kevin Morton, Family
Oct 21 2003 5:15PM
Kristen, I can't beleive it's going to be 2 years since we lost you. It still feels like yesterday that the whole thing happened. I still hope that you come bursting throught your mothers doors with a crazy reason for being missing all this time. Perhaps maybe you went to an exotic island or something, or met someone who swept you off your feet. You are still in my thoughts all the time. I still can hear your laughter and recall all the good times together. You will never be forgotten. I miss you dearly. Your friend forever, Barbara
Barbara, Friend
Sep 8 2003 1:49PM
Kristen, I miss you more and more everyday. Love, Karen
Karen Montanaro, Family
Oct 14 2002 11:07AM
Kristen, I went to high school with you and we graduated in the same year. I remember you had a very warm smile and I can see that when I look at your yearbook photo. Whenever I read the note you wrote in my yearbook just before we graduated, I can picture you talking to me, and you're saying the words you wrote in the yearbook. There were many times when I'd pass by you in the hallway at school, or I'd see you and Karen at the bus shelter. I'd say hello to you, and you were always kind enough to talk to me. My wife and I were at the ground zero site for the one year after 9-11 remembrance, and we stood by with our infant daughter to listen to all the names of the victims. When I heard your name, I was in shock and I had a very hard time accepting what I had just heard. When I returned home back in Los Angeles, I read the tributes which your company put on its website. I read your tribute, and I was very saddened because it was then very clear to me that you were among the victims. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I will always remember you! God Bless! Dan
Daniel K Flakes, Friend
Sep 20 2002 9:36PM
im not a friend of Kristen Montanaro iv never met her.I was in school on 9-11-02 and people came in my class and gave ribbons that had nams of people of 911 and i got Kristen Montanaro's.The news was showing pic of the people of 911 and i sat there and looked for her and looked thin i saw her. I can't explain how i feelt it diden't seem real.It's hard to beleve that some people could be filld with so much hate that thay can take so many people's life's. It's just so hard to beleve!
James Albritton, Friend
Sep 14 2002 3:05PM
Kris, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today. We think of you so often. Somehow it helps to know that you and Sandy are in the same place. You are always remembered and always in our hearts. Love, Mindy and Mike Mezo
Mindy and Michael Mezo, Friend
Sep 11 2002 2:41PM
I am deeply saddened by the horrific acts which took Kristen's life and those who were with her in Tower 1 of the WTC. May God continue to bless her family in this time of remembrance.
Mark Montanaro, Family
Sep 11 2002 2:36PM
Dear family of Kristen, At our church this week we were asked to pick a name from 9/11 out of a basket to pray for them and their family. My family picked Kristen - I just want you to know that we are praying for you during this difficult time - I too am a twin and can certainly understand the loss that must be felt. God Bless
Karen Szeryk, Friend
Sep 9 2002 10:04AM
Happy Birthday Kristen, I cannot believe it's been almost a year. You are missed very much. Have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you are forever in our hearts. Love Barbara
Barbara, Friend
Aug 26 2002 5:27PM
Kristen, Your always on my mind, the memories of the great times we had together will never be forgotten. I know that your always around, I can feel your presence. I can still hear your voice and laughter. We will meet again someday in a better place than here. Until then, we all love and miss you. Love Barbara
Barbara Bradley, Friend
Jul 3 2002 2:31AM
Kris, We love you and miss you terribly. You will forever be in our broken hearts. To Live In The Hearts We Leave Behind Is Not To Die. Mom
Ellen Robb, Family
Apr 11 2002 4:07PM